How to get a Residence Permit for a baby in Qatar in 2024

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By Hamza

Welcoming a new life into the world is an incredible joy, but for expatriate parents living in Qatar, there’s an additional crucial task at hand – securing a residence permit (RP) for your newborn baby within two months of their birth. Whether your little one is born domestically or abroad, this vital document is essential for your child to legally reside in the country. While the process of assembling documents and navigating administrative procedures can seem daunting during this already demanding period, this comprehensive guide aims to simplify the journey in 2024.

We’ll walk you through the step-by-step process, from obtaining your baby’s birth certificate and passport to completing the RP application and avoiding any potential penalties. With details on requirements for babies born in Qatar or overseas, you’ll have the essential information to ensure a smooth transition and focus on cherishing this special time with your family.

Registering Your Baby’s Birth

The first step in the process is to register your baby’s birth and obtain the necessary identification documents, regardless of whether they were born in Qatar or another country.

If Your Baby is Born in Qatar

When your baby is born in Qatar, it’s crucial to register their birth with the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to receive their birth certificate. This official document is a key requirement for the residence permit application. It’s important to note that children born to foreign nationals in Qatar are not automatically granted Qatari nationality. As an expatriate parent, you’ll also need to register your baby’s birth with your home country’s embassy and apply for a passport.

If Your Baby is Born Outside of Qatar

If your baby is born outside of Qatar, you’ll need to obtain a birth certificate from the hospital where they were delivered, have it attested by the Qatar Embassy in your home country, and then apply for a passport.

Securing Your Baby’s Passport

Once you have your baby’s birth certificate, the next step is to apply for their passport. This can be done at your home country’s embassy in Doha. Your embassy will provide you with the specific requirements and documentation needed for the passport application process.

Required Documents for the RP Application

Now that you have your baby’s birth certificate and passport, it’s time to assemble the necessary documentation for the residence permit application. Depending on whether your baby was born in Qatar or overseas, the required documents may vary slightly. Ensure that all documents are translated into Arabic by a certified translation service.

For Babies Born in Qatar

  • Copies of the parents’ resident permits (Qatar IDs)
  • Parents’ marriage certificate
  • Passport copies (parents and baby)
  • Father’s employment verification letter from company (Ministry-attested)
  • Father’s employer no objection letter to sponsor baby (with job details, salary, contract type)
  • Father’s Ministry-attested employment contract
  • Father’s notarized, attested, legalized education certificates
  • Father’s 6-month bank salary statements signed/sealed by the bank
  • Ministry-attested rental agreement
  • Utility bill showing parents’ Qatar residence
  • Baby’s birth certificate from the hospital
  • Baby’s vaccination card
  • 4+ baby passport photos (blue background)

For Babies Born Outside of Qatar

  • Parents’ and baby’s passport copies
  • Copies of the parents’ Qatar resident permits
  • Parents’ notarized, attested, legalized marriage certificate
  • Father’s Ministry-attested employment contract
  • Father’s notarized, attested, legalized education certificates
  • Father’s 6-month salary statements from the bank, signed and sealed
  • Baby’s notarized, attested, legalized birth certificate
  • Baby’s notarized, attested, legalized vaccination card
  • 4+ baby passport photos (blue background)

Additional Documents if Baby is Sponsored by the Mother

  • A no objection letter from the baby’s father allowing the mother’s sponsorship.

Application Process to Get a Residence Permit for Baby in Qatar

With all the necessary documents in hand, it’s time to embark on the residence permit application process.

Fill Out the Arabic Government Form

There is a specific form in Arabic that you’ll need to complete before submitting your documents.

Submit Documents at the Immigration Office

Take a queue token and submit your documents to the officer. They will review the completeness of your application. If any documents are missing, you’ll need to return with the additional items. If the application is complete, the documents will be accepted. It’s always a good idea to include any other documents you think could be necessary to avoid extra trips.

After submitting your application, you’ll receive a receipt with the visa application number.

Check the Visa Status on Metrash2

You can monitor your baby’s Qatar visa status by checking the Metrash2 platform. Once the status shows “Ready to Print,” the residence permit is ready for collection.

Collect the Printed Residence Permit

To collect your baby’s printed residence permit, you’ll need to bring their original passport, a blue background passport photo, and the visa receipt back to the Immigration Office. You’ll need to pay the QR 500 printing fee by card, and they will then print your baby’s ID.

Newborn Visa for Babies Born Outside of Qatar

Many expectant mothers in Qatar choose to travel back to their home countries to give birth, surrounded by family support. If this is the case for you, you can return to Qatar with your newborn on a free Newborn Visa, provided that:

  • The parent is a Qatar resident with a valid residence permit
  • The baby is under 6 months old
  • The original birth certificate and a separate passport are presented

Applying for the Residence Permit Within 2 Months

Whether your baby was born in Qatar or arrived from abroad, you must apply for their residence permit within 2 months of their birth in Qatar or arrival from another country.

Penalties for Delayed RP Application

Failure to apply for your baby’s residence permit within the 2-month deadline can result in penalties. You’ll be charged QR 10 per day until the RP is issued, so it’s crucial to stay on top of the application process.


To legally reside in Qatar, all babies require a Family Residence Permit tied to their expatriate parent’s sponsorship before they reach 2 months of age. By gathering the necessary documents, following the established visa application procedures, and paying the required fees, parents can obtain an RP for babies born in Qatar or arriving from other countries.

By staying on top of the 2-month application deadline and successfully navigating the process, you can avoid any daily penalties and ensure your little one’s legal residence in this vibrant Middle Eastern nation. Embrace this new chapter of your journey in Qatar with confidence, and enjoy the precious moments with your growing family.

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